Coastal Gardens Nursery

Situated at 4517 Parker Ave., the Coastal Gardens nursery has been an integral part of the island for more than a decade. Featuring one of the largest collections of locally-grown plants in West Palm Beach, you're sure to find just what you need for your landscape. And if you need something unique or unusual, we can grow it for you.


Benefits of a Local Grower & Nursery

Plants are grown locally for best results

We can hold your personal plants to use as needed

We'll grow what you need for a specific location

Extremely high quality plant material

Dedicated horticulturists to ensure disease- and pest-free plants


... to ensure the highest quality plants

At Coastal Gardens, the plants you see have been grown and raised on-site, assuring you that they will readily acclimate and thrive in your West Palm Beach landscape.

The nursery features a broad spectrum of trees, landscape plants, and shrubs, along with ground covers and beautiful blooming flowers that flourish on the island.

As part of Natures Experts, Coastal Gardens has access to a wide range of quality plant material, including not only tried and true favorites but also many new, unusual, and hard to find varieties.

>> See our recommendations for the 5 Best Plants for Palm Beach Coastal Landscapes.

We're not your garden-variety plant nursery

For those special plants you can't find anywhere else, call the horticulturists at Coastal Gardens.

Environmentally friendly practices

The West Palm Beach watershed is a unique area that collects and discharges rainfall and other water to the Grassy Waters Preserve and the ocean.

To protect this valuable resource, Coastal Gardens Professionals have implemented water-saving practices throughout the nursery, such as drip irrigation and capillary mats. By providing water directly to plants’ roots, we’re able to grow vigorous, healthy plants without water-wasting overhead sprinkler systems.

Our horticulturists use natural pest and disease management practices, such as integrated pest management (IPM), to greatly reduce the need for pesticides and other chemicals that can infiltrate into our groundwater. And we pay close attention to the growing conditions of all plants so we can minimize fertilizer use and runoff.

By doing what's best for our plants, we're also doing what's best for our environment.