What trees do we recommend for your Palm Beach property?
We’ve previously written about trees and plants that you should remove from your property due to their invasive or non-native status, but what trees do we encourage you to add?
In this article, we cover the 25 trees that grow well in the unique Palm Beach environment and would be a great addition to any fine landscape on the island.
Know that Not all Trees will Work on Your Property
Each property is limited by the space available, the soil type, the proximity to salt spray, the available sunlight, and more.
Before you become too attached to the idea of a particular tree, learn what kind of tree would work best in the area where you plan to plant.
For instance, a tree that will eventually grow tall and wide or have far-reaching roots should not be planted too close to a building, wall, or driveway because it won’t have enough room to grow. Excessive pruning to try to control the size of the tree will just cause the tree to decline and die, leading to more hassle in the future.
Learn more about the concept of “right tree right place” in this article >>
At the Coastal Gardens nursery, we can grow what you need for a specific location.
Choose Native Trees When Possible
There are reasons that Palm Beach residents are required to incorporate at least 35% native plants in any new landscaping.
Native plants and trees benefit local wildlife, are more likely to survive in our unique climate, and are easier to grow and maintain. Non-native plants and trees are more likely to become invasive and take over plants and trees vital to our ecosystem.
Learn more about the benefits of native plants and trees >>
Recommended Trees for Palm Beach Landscapes
Below are some trees that work well for the Palm Beach climate and growing conditions.
Large or Medium Trees
Large or medium trees will need significant room to grow – keep in mind the mature height and spread of the tree and its canopy (the branches and leaves or needles), as well as the root systems. Some roots will extend far beyond the width of the tree canopy.
- Virginia Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)
- Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni)
- Mastic (Mastichodendron foetidissimum)
- Wild or False Tamarind (Lysiloma latisiliquum)
- Dahoon Holly (Ilex cassine)
- Paradise Tree (Simarouba glauca)
- Southern Redcedar (Juniperus silicicola)
- East Palatka Holly (Ilex x attenuata)
- Pigeon Plum (Coccoloba diversifolia)
- Strangler Fig (Ficus aurea) – Learn more about fig trees in South Florida
Smaller Trees (and Shrubs)
Smaller trees can grow in areas where large or medium trees cannot, but even small trees need room to grow. Many flowering varieties will need full sun to bloom.
- Firebush (Hamelia patens var. patens)
- Pitch Apple (Clusia rosea)
- Crabwood or Oysterwood (Gymnanthes lucida)
- Redberry Stopper or Spiceberry (Eugenia rhombea)
- Simpson’s Stopper (Myrcianthes fragrans)
- Spanish Stopper (Eugenia foetida)
- Spicewood (Calyptranthes pallens)
- Jamaica Caper (Capparis cynophallophora)
- Marlberry (Ardisia escallonioides)
- White Indigo Berry (Randia aculeata)
- Soldierwood (Colubrina elliptica)
View more trees and plants suitable for planting in Palm Beach County >>
Some Select Trees
Below are a few of the native trees that you can grow on your Palm Beach property. They each have interesting characteristics such as flowers, fruit, or bark that will bring interest to your yard and gardens.
Tree of Life or Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum samctum)
Notable characteristics of the lignum vitae tree are its purple flowers, its multi-trunked form, and the low branches that often have Spanish moss. The wood is known as some of the heaviest in the world and will sink instead of float in water. The leaves remain on the tree year-round, and this slow-growing tree will only grow to 30 feet tall at most.
Blolly or Beefwood Tree (Guapira discolor)
This is another small-to-medium-sized tree that can grow 20 to 45 feet tall but usually grows only around 25 feet tall or sometimes grows as a shrub. It is known for its shiny leaves, which are evergreen, and the bright red berry-like fruit, which is a very popular food source for birds. This tree is listed as endangered by the state of Florida.
See some photos of blolly trees (and the red berries) here >>
Bahama Strongbark (Bourreria succulenta)
Bahama strongbark trees can grow 10 to 30 feet tall and 5 to 15 feet wide. The leaves are evergreen, with white-pink flowers that bloom from summer through fall, and fruit that ripens in the fall and winter.
It’s also known as pigeon berry as birds are fond of the fruit. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators rely on nectar from the flowers. It grows best in full sun to light shade and can tolerate most soil conditions and some salt water spray.
Gumbo-Limbo (Bursera simaruba)
Gumbo limbo or gumbo-limbo trees grow 25 to 50 feet tall and wide, and the shiny green leaves are semi-evergreen. As seen in the photo above, the copper-colored bark peels away in layers. In fact, some refer to this tree as the “tourist tree,” as the reddish bark peels just like the sunburned skin of tourists! Gumbo limbo trees are very wind tolerant, which is helpful when strong coastal winds reach Palm Beach.
Other Resources On What To Plant on Your Palm Beach Property
We have other articles on the Coastal Gardens website that detail other options for plants and trees to plant on your Palm Beach property:
Not Sure What to Choose? Coastal Gardens Can Help!
Whether you want to add one tree or several, the experts at Coastal Gardens Pro can assist you in choosing, planting, and caring for the trees on your Palm Beach property.
We have the knowledge and expertise to know which plants and trees would work best on your property, as well as access to the best quality plants and trees, most of which we grow and care for ourselves.
Contact us today for more information.

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