Chinese Tallow

Do you know that Chinese tallow tree is bad for your Palm Beach property? In this article you’ll learn how invasive this plant is and how to recognize it so you won’t add this to your property landscape and cause issues later on.

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Best Palms for Palm Beach

Palms growing on a Palm Beach property maintained by Coastal Gardens.

Palms, just like trees, needs to be planted at the right place. Choosing the best palms for your Palm Beach property will ensure their health and longevity.

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How to Enhance the Privacy of Your Palm Beach Property

A hedge for privacy on a Palm Beach property maintained by Coastal Gardens.

Many Palm Beach residents find that they need additional screening to provide privacy throughout their property. Learn the three things to consider and the three best ways to create privacy that will give you both the seclusion and aesthetic appeal you desire.

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5 Best Plants for Palm Beach Coastal Landscapes

Rows of orange and yellow Jungle Geranium plants in South Florida.

Coastal properties in Palm Beach face difficult growing conditions, including wind, sand, sun, salt, and heat. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right plants for your landscape. Here are 5 hardy plants that are salt-tolerant, drought-tolerant, hardy, and can handle the heat, humidity, and storms that South Florida is known for.

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